Beauty Digital & Social Media Marketing 

With more than 9 years of our China digital digital marketing experience in beauty, skincare and cosmetic industry, we are your trusted partner. Whether you are entering the China market or already established in China and want to strategize Chinese digital & social media marketing activities, we are here to guide and help you.

Beauty China Digital & Social Media Marketing

Below are few selected beauty brands we had experience working with and testimonial we had worked for the beauty industry. Contact us to learn more about our full case studies.

Sarah is an exceptional professional with an unmatched passion for unraveling the dynamic landscape of China's digital and social media marketing, e-commerce, tech trends, and the evolving habits of Gen Z. Her profound insights and expertise in these domains are invaluable, providing clients with not just information, but actionable strategies infused with clarity and inspiration. Sarah's coaching transcends conventional boundaries, empowering teams to navigate the intricacies of the Chinese market with confidence and drive. Working with her means not just keeping up with the trends but staying ahead with a positive and strategic energy.

China Digital Marketing Services

We help luxury retail, interior & property industry to promote product and services in China with our China market consulting, Chinese digital marketing and social media management. 

Red Digital China China Marketing Consulting for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

China Market Consulting

Develop step by step China market entry consulting

Red Digital China Market Research for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

China Market Research

Conduct China market research to gather the latest China digital marketing insight.  

Red Digital China integrated digital marketing strategy & execution for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

China integrated digital marketing strategy and execution

Develop an integrated China integrated digital marketing strategy and execution.

Red Digital China private traffic pool for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

Social Ecommerce and Livestreaming

Build & leverage China private traffic pools for social ecommerce & livestreaming

Red Digital Chinese social media content marketing for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

Chinese Social Media & Content marketing

Develop bespoke & localized Chinese social media & content marketing strategy

Red Digital China Chinese website & WeChat mini program development for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

Chinese website & WeChat mini program development

Develop Chinese website & WeChat mini program

Red Digital Chinese advertising & lead generation for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

Chinese Advertising & lead generation

Strategize your Chinese advertising placements & develop Chinese clients' lead generation campaign 

Red Digital Chinese search engine optimization for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

Chinese search engine optimization (SEO)

Chinese search engine optimization marketing activities to drive Chinese website ranking

Red Digital Chinese kol marketing for luxury, interior & art, hospitality, property

Chinese KOL marketing

Develop China KOL marketing strategy including KOL advertising, live-streaming and business partnership

Contact Us

If you are in the luxury retail, interior and property industry and look for a trusted partner for the China market, contact us Now!